Sunday, August 06, 2006

It's been a really good weekend. Saturday I spent most of the day cleaning my room...not that anyone could tell by looking at it, as its still a disaster...but anyway, Lindy came over and we had yummy food and watched Stargate and chick flicks. It was great fun. Then today got up and went to church where singing songs from VBS ensued. It was actually pretty fun. I miss VBS :-(. Came home after church and slept, watched the race (poor Kasey :-( ), then headed to FourTwelve. I think we really accomplished stuff tonight. We have a track, we have goals, we pretty much know what we're doing. Even though Lindy got antsy and kept sticking tape on me, it was a good evening. I really think the group is headed in the right direction with the whole book study idea. I'm very excited about the coming months in the group. Baker Square was wonderful. Who doesn't want to end their weekends with straw blowing wars, great conversation, and insane amounts of laughter?

I'm still not feeling great about leaving for school, but this is something that I have to do. I will enjoy it, and it will be a good experience for me. I know that the result will be good, its just the getting there that's the hard part, but God will help me with that, he always does.

Hope everyone has a great week!

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