Tuesday, July 25, 2006

As I sit here with my kitty sprawled out across my arm (making it a bit hard to type) trying to put off going to sleep, I can't help but start thinking about some stuff that I have been trying to block out and not have to think about at all. This tends to be my way of dealing with things. My aunt is going through a horrible divorce right now. The things that her ex-husband is doing/has done are awful, things that I only thought existed in books and movies and would never happen in real life. I don't want to go into great deatail, but the thing that I found out about today has probably upset me the most. I found out today that my uncle has been telling my cousin that I no longer love him and that I think I'm better than him...he's pretty much just making up crap and feeding it to my cousin who is probably believing every word of it simply because he's scared what would happen if he didn't believe his father. I have been relatively okay with a lot of the stuff going on, it's been tough, but I've been able to block it out and only think about it when I absolutely had to. This on the other hand...not to sound self centered or anything, but it upset me the most because it involves me. That sounds kinda selfish, but Im pretty sure thats why it has upset me more than anything else. For some reason I thought that my uncle wouldn't directly involve me in any of the lies, deceptions, and all the other crap he has been putting his wife and son and a whole lot of other people through. I don't know why I thought I would be an exception because I guess crazy people don't really have any rhyme or reason to why they act...well...crazy. I know its wrong to hate someone. But I really feel a great deal of hatred toward my uncle right now. I honestly don't care what happens to him. I never want to see him or talk to him ever again. I hate him. And I know that's wrong, but I can't help it right now after all the crap he has put everyone through.

Alright, sorry about that random vent...in other news...my friend has gotten some of her stuff worked out which means I dont need to go up to Slinger on Sunday, meaning I get to go to FourTwelve. Happy me! Also, VBS starts next week. Im kinda nervous for it because I'm helping with the music and I have no idea how to do half the motions for the songs. Learning goofy motions was easier when I was 10.

Today I spent money that I shouldn't have. Not a lot, but it was on kinda goofy stuff :) the best kind. I bought some Nascar stuff, and 2 Pirates of the Caribbean folders for school. Yes I am a college student and yes I am buying folders because there are pretty guys on them...I'm not ashamed to admit it!! okay...well maybe a little...lol.

Well, my kitty has stretched her feet onto the keyboard, so I am having to navigate around cat paws to type. I think this is a sign that it is time for me to go to bed.

Night Everyone!!!

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